Sea in Shimanami しまなみ:海の物語

Let’s enjoy a nice video first :yum:

"海は広いな 大きいな
月がのぼるし 日が沈む

海は大波 青い波

This is a very famous Japanese song which shows the splendid view of ocean. In this song, we can tell that the ocean is wide and big with endless blue waves. But what does the ocean in Shimanami look like?

My Japanese friends told me the ocean in Shimanami is more like “sea” rather than “ocean” because it is very peaceful, very elegant, and very calm. So here in this post, I want to show you guys the sea I saw in Shimanami.

The sea in Shimanami belongs to the Seto Inland Sea (瀬戸内海) which is actually very big, but my friend and I mainly travel in this yellow area:

So I will share with you some nice pictures sea around Onomichi City (尾道市), Imabari City (今治市), Shimanami Kaido (しまなみ海道), Ōkunoshima (大久野島) and Miyajima (宮島) in Hiroshima City.

:sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise:
:sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: The sea around Onomichi City (尾道市) :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise:
:sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This photo was taken at the top of Senkō-ji Park (千光寺公園) and from that place, you can see the sea in Onomichi City. The mountains are nearly blue.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

When I waited for a ferry to Iwashijima (岩子島), I took this picture. You can see many beautiful ships stopping at the small harbor.

:fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:
:fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: The sea around Imabari City (今治市) :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:
:fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This picture was taken at a harbor in Imabari City.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This picture was taken at the same harbor in Imabari City.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This is the view you can have from the top of Imabari Castle (今治城). This castle has 6 floors and you can see some history and culture and even science exhibition here. Imabari Castle is also one of the top 100 castles in Japan.

:bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist:
:bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist:The sea around Shimanami Kaido (しまなみ海道) :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist:
:bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist: :bicyclist:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This white bridge is called Innoshima Bridge (因島大橋) near which you can even find farmland. I pretty much enjoy cycling on the bridge because I can have a relax :sweat_smile:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This bridge is called Ikuchi Bridge (生口橋). It is actually very short but looks a bit long.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This place is called Setoda Sunset Beach (瀬戸田サンセットビーチ) and many people who travel to Shimanami also love to visit this beach. For me, it is a good choice to jump into the water here in the hot weather :sunglasses:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

I took this picture on the Kurushima-Kaikyō Bridge (来島海峡大橋)– the longest bridge on Shimanami Kaido. I was very excited to see the pink sky.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

When I was young, I read one article from Bingxin (謝冰心) in which the writer mentioned this sentence: “May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset”-- exactly what I though of when I was in Shimanami :relaxed:

:rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:
:rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: The sea around Ōkunoshima (大久野島) :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:
:rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

The Ōkunoshima (大久野島) is not only quite famous for wild rabbits, but also for the beautiful beach and sea.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This beach (大久野島海水浴場) is located in the south side of Ōkunoshima. Here you can see and feed wild rabbits–don’t worry, they are very gentle and lovely but sometimes very hungry.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

As you can see, the water consists different levels of blue and even purple.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

Oh here also green and yellow!

:wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime:
:wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: The sea around Miyajima (宮島) :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime:
:wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime: :wind_chime:

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

This is a famous shrine called Miyajima Shrine (宮島神社), also called Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社), one of the must-see places in Japan.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

In this photo you can see many people sitting on a boat to the shrine.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

The sailor wears traditional Japanese costumes.

(Photo Credit: Jiaqi Li)

I fall in love with the beautiful sea. And you?